Back to Africa
More on this nature issue. As I stated in my previous post, I am ready to blow this popsicle stand come September. The only question being, what's the next move? So far, Peace Corps is in the running, going on faith that I am able to somehow reconcile my disillusion. With this choice cut I'd be tempted the most to stay put here at the Palace of Za as it would only take 9-12 months for me to deport. But 9-12 here can seem like eternity sometimes. Moving to Bozeman, Montana, is back in the running. I say back because I had this brainstorm last year when I was in Montana, and think it would be a good nature infused environment along with a strong cultural college-town influence. Studying yoga in India is now at a low simmer on one of the back burners. I did have the inspiration to purchase my own piece of land this week as a means of inspiring me to work for a consistent paycheck. As of yet, that is the only motivation to work I have intercepted in my 28 years of existence. Forestery has always been a potentially gratifying work environment as many of the career interest tests have informed me. But the voice in my head always asks, "Where's the forest in Kansas City?". However, that idea has a strong undertone of committment, both in the job and purchasing some land, and thus threatens this Gemini's most prized virtue, roaming. Geminis thrive on communication, travel, and having 11 burners on high going all at once. I'm so textbook. Of course, there is always the option to stay in KC, just in a more nuturing neighborhood. But as of now, that idea is on the 11th burner with extremely low heat which is soon to be extinguished. And then there is always volunteering with WWOOF, internationally or nationally, which would satisfy a part of my desire to roam, work the land, and meet organic people. But that has to take second to Peace Corps. You see, I almost have to do Peace Corps, it's somewhat in my blood. Right out of college I was interested in it, but somehow my parents persuaded me to consider Americorps more, on the belief that I had the high potential to pick up some nasty disease, like AIDS, in some third world country. A familiar fear they have thrown at me before in high school, when I wanted to go to the Dominican Republic with the youth group to build latrines. Fear is something my family completely thrives on, and now it's time once again to throw it back in their face. Another key Gemini trait, tell us not to do something, and it's the only thing we will do. Teaching English doesn't interest me, but HIV education does. Paybacks are a bitch.
And who knows where I will be inspired to go this week, as on a lemonade induced cleanse, it promises to be interesting!
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