Friday, July 28, 2006

What the Bleep?!

What in the world are we doing?! I want to shake the fucking world by its shoulders and ask it what the fuck it thinks it is up to after this latest despicable move. And then I’d like to take the United States to the side and smack it around to knock out the monstrous destructive superego it is bear-hugging. Okay, enough of the intro, here’s today’s headline(s) that really almost made me look for some rope and a sturdy rafter after the commentator delivered the blow…. After reporting a clip with some important foreign figurehead from the Middle East where an impatient reporter actually had the nerve to ask the Man if there was an end to the war in sight, as he clearly had more important things in pencil to cover, like Floyd Landis being raped of his mindblowing title he just organically worked his ass and a half to get. Fucking media is fucking ruthless. Regardless, the following clip was even more uplifting as the anchorwoman told us that some airlines are declaring Montezuma’s Revenge and have the balls to somehow justify charging obese people the price of 2 tickets for one lowsy, uncomfortable seat on an already overcrowded plane, that would still be overcrowded even if all the passengers were anorexic. Fucking A!!!!!!! Doesn’t anyone get it?!!!!! The reason why some people are obese is because of all the fucking stress they are already under, from their job, family/living situation, social situation, media images being thrown at them from each and every 360 degree in an effort to keep the gerbil wheel spinning at turbo speed, ETC….. And then for some airlines to actually have the nerve to make it even more stressful for one than it ALREADY IS to fly, is beyond any sane person’s comprehension. WHAT THE FUCK?! This is so incredibly sad that it makes me want to cry, tear my hair out, and throw myself out the window all at the same time. It seems as though we are regressing on the fast track from 4th grade and are dangerously close to being forced to relearn lessons we somehow thought we mastered in Kindergarten, which was CENTURIES ago! WHERE’S THE LOVE, PEOPLE?! Does it exist in this world anymore? Doesn’t anyone know that the state of current affairs is a complete reflection of what is going on inside each and every one of us?! When are we going to learn that, WW13?! When are we going to learn that the Beatles really did know what they were singing about when they told us all we need is love?! Anyone?! Anyone?! Where the fuck is that Buehler kid?!


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