Illustrating My Playground

It's official, this is my first illustrated post. Such a beautiful day, here in the heartland, I just had to share it with everyone. Even though I'm not ga-ga anymore about the image of living on the Plaza, I do love the walking proximity to three lucious parks. The other day I saw this new family of 14 gooslings and have become so fond of them. I think they are better than sliced bread, and much to either sister's chagrin, I never was this excited when I acquired a new niece or nephew. They are always eating and are losing their innocence so fast. There are geese and ducks at the pond, along with the sunning turtles, but the geese are mean little boogers. I think in one of my former lives I was a duck, I am so obsessed with them. Favorite duck moves: signature butt-in-the-air "What's going on down there?!" move as well as the "Look out below!" landing skate- on-the-web-feet move. Unfortunately, my subjects weren't cooperating with the camera. As I was out today, I really was wondering how I could ever leave and not have Loose in my neighborhood. I've proven the saying true that one ends up within 5 miles of where they grew up. Check out the mating turtles. I like to think they just stacked themselves on top of each other for fun, like best friends do. Don't be disgusting! Turtles don't "do it". Immaculate conception, baby. It's fun having visuals, but it seems to slow me down a bit. Practice makes perfect, I guess.
Hey, I'm glad you posted - cuz it's gorgeous beautiful land you're showing.
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