The Raw Diet Scene
Amazon/B&N visit, overwhelmed - another fad diet?!
Do I really need another cookbook, dehydrator, juicer, etc..... That's just more f'ing stuff when I'm trying to purge myself of stuff that I already have?!
Organic v. Not - truth and fiction, mind over matter
Another competitive business advantage?
Fueling superiority complex when really no one is superior over another, our history just influences us that way
this is why I don't really want to do anything with people right now because I get swept up in their drama which tries to get me to follow along, in turn validating them as a being.
Talk with Bruce
Me: "Life is so easy, humans are just really good at complicating stuff to the extreme".
BB: Life is full of difficulties.
Me: But not when "everything you need is provided" just open your eyes. I don't think that is so just because I'm not working.
BB: Well, that's true for your life.
Me: You're right. I can't keep making generalizations about my life experience and apply them to the general public. Just as no one can truly "be in someone else's shoes". Because no two people have identical experiences.
But yet, we as people, crave homogenity in spite of our heterogenity. We are each uniquely talented and diverse from each other. We both embrace and flee from that. Embrace in that we don't want others to have the same tastes, fashion sense, personal lives as us. Flee in that we need external validation as to our being "okay". Hence, selling your mantra in a cookbook, how-to-find true happiness book, fashion, fear-based belief, or whatever, if we have followers, that means we are "right". And that is important to us because it makes us feel superior to others, to be right, better, best, etc.... When in reality there is no right or wrong, things just are. But hey, at least we belong, at least there are others like us. There isn't anyone like us. We are each uniquely individualized, but do share a commonality, we each have a reflection of the Divine in us. But we as a society cannot simply accept things as they are. We are always striving to be better, to do the "right" thing, in order to try to justify ourselves, mentally, as better or better off than so and so, etc...
Solution: To really observe the chaos taking place, and not get swept up in it. To remember "we are spiritual beings having a human existence", to enjoy life, but not get attached to it or to the things in our lives. To focus on our breath.
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