Wednesday, December 06, 2006

There Goes the World!

OmyGodIamsosure! Shit man, if Stephen Hawking is wanting to abort ship, we know the shit's just ready to hit the fan. Yes, this is ancient news, thus making this a tardy post, but since when do I ever voluntarily stick to a schedule? Besides, I've been recovering all week from the stressful life I lead, and today's the first day I feel back-in-the-zone. On a positive note, Hawking's vision of us inhabiting and trying to dominate another solar system, is only expected to take 6 years. That's on the notion, that this nuclear war he has predicted doesn't begin before then. But he's already planted the seed, and knowing our luck, it will probably start tomorrow. But how can a person, who is literally in his mind ALL OF THE TIME, be convinced that uprooting a gizillion years of our existence and evolution and hopping solar systems will only take a mere 6 years ?!!! Perhaps, that is what it would take to do it MENTALLY, but physically, and IN REALITY, it would take more than two gizillion years for us to create the quality of life we have here. Why? Because people absolutely HATE change and find it very scary. Secondly, it would take a long f-ing time to create a mass transit system, and other integral community systems. Just think how long it's taken us to evolve to Targets, beautiful strip malls, excessive numbers of car dealerships, urban condos and apartment living, work out machines, museum collections, highly overpaid sports figures, overcrowded hospitals, negative broadcasting, our narrow-mindedness in believing that there is only one right way and our religious institutions are our ticket to that one path, embrace Buddhism, skimpy fashion-and you know moon boots would be making a comeback, teen angst and convincing ourselves that high school notes are worthy of getting published in a book form of "Mortified", written by Dave Nadelberg, not to mention the luxurious country clubs we have created where people can escape the confines of everyday life on a beautiful, plush golf course or by sipping lemonade by the pool with other members, our openly-interpretative cultural arts programs including various mediums of theater, song, and dance, art supply stores offering tools for artist's to express how they are waging war on the world and then making peace with it, our destructive education system that overworks and underpays its employees, our highly-protected, but dwindling, number of national parks and trails and negative ion supplies in general, and what about our uber-sophisticated media that tells us what to do, how to think, and why we need to improve our lives with this new product, and then we would have to come up with another bipartisan form of government, or perhaps we would design a multipartisan gov where one party seeks total and complete domination and fights ugly by throwing below-the-belt shots at their opponents? You're telling me that all this and sooo much more can be created, matched, and surpassed in only 6 years?! Maybe Stephen forgot that when a new colony is started, you start from ground zero and try to make do with the basic resources at hand before you get to evolve to using the internet via computer technology. I'm seeing aliens living lives parallel to that of our brothers and sisters in third world countries. Somehow I don't think the majority of us Westerners are jumping at the bit to give up our privledged lifestyles, but I could be wrong. And you know one just won't be enough, one is never enough. Pretty soon another nut, a variety of other assorted fruits and nuts, will want to further colonize because they just want their own space. But that might not be a bad thing, as there would then could potentially be some stiff colony competition for the inter-galactic Olympic title.

Perhaps when you are confined to a wheelchair and, as a logical consequence of earning the prestigious award that Einstein, Crick, and Darwin also received, you deem it your duty to level with the public, via a BBC broadcast, in order to let them know what you really think, regardless of how far-fetched and fear-ridden your 'truth' may be. May God bless anyone who believes one iota of this rubbish, let alone acts on it.


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