Our Collective Unconsciousness
Just turned off Neil Cohen's NPR show in tears. He had the president of Gallaudet University, a university of deaf education, defending himself and the university, where he has been president for the past 40 years, on a divisive decision made concerning next year's incumbent president. I wasn't in tears because of any of the elements or statements that were made on the show, but the rain started coming down when I realized that this is a universal pattern our society is choosing to employ and apply to EVERYTHING. Nothing is good enough, someone is always unhappy, and NOBODY likes change. It seems as though our media thrives on our discontentment, as it results in controversy, thus createing a story, which ultimately brings in the listeners, equaling dollars. Which I guess is the way businesses are run, in order to generate an income, but at what price?! If it is fostering discontentment, what is the toll taken on by the human body? Why aren't they reporting on that?! When our media pipes through stories, most with this common subconscious thread of judgment, all day long, day in and day out, how can that make anyone feel good about their lives and the world we are living in today?!
In focusing our energy on the weaknesses and personal shortcomings of people, places, and things in our society, we are completely oblivious to the strengths and very positive qualities of the exact same people, places, and things. In this particular NPR clip, the fact that there is a university system for the deaf community, and all of the positive skills and tools it offers its students, is a great accomplishment, in itself, we are failing to celebrate. The same can be said for ANY and ALL universities in the world. The fact that our civilization has created advanced education systems offering a potpourri of knowledge skill sets, is a significant milestone for mankind. A single university, and the decisions it makes, is not going to, nor should it, resonate with everyone. We are all unique and different spiritual beings, with unique and different needs. So why do we think we are all carbon copies of each other? Our notion of there being one right way, one truth, is absolutely ludicrous. We are very diverse, and desperately need to celebrate our diversity instead of criticize and obssess about it. The same can be said for politics, religions, global warming, and the overall progression of civilization! We are getting out-of-control on a downward spiral of negativity, fear, and gloom orbiting farther and farther away from the light, good-ness, purity, and positive attributes of what we have and have accomplished in the present moment. We, as a society, are striving for an impossible ideal of perfection, that is only making us paranoid, instead of making us into better people. And I'm just wondering WHEN IS THE SHIT GOING TO HIT THE FAN?
But alas, there is nothing I can do, other than simply take care of little 'ole me. By breathing light into my life, I am also breathing it into our collective unconsciousness, and making a small dent. But it is those small dents that add up to create a positive change.